Hunter Education Classroom Course - 11/09/2024 - (1627757)
Class #1627757
This course is no longer available for registration.
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Nov 9
09:00 am - 05:00 pm
633 E Louetta Rd
Spring, TX 77373
Iglesia Bautista Spring . Frente a la estacion de Bomberos esta la entrada a la iglesiaGet directions
Instructor: Ivan Benavides
633 E Louetta Rd
Spring, TX 77373
Iglesia Bautista Spring . Frente a la estacion de Bomberos esta la entrada a la iglesiaGet directions
Instructor: Ivan Benavides
About the Course
This course is designed for novice or young hunters, ages 9 years and above. The course covers the core competencies of firearm and hunting safety, hunting ethics and wildlife conservation. All materials are provided. The Hunter Education Classroom Course lasts a maximum of 6 hours of classroom instruction. This time does not include registration, breaks, test administration and certification card distribution. Courses are offered across the state year round and are taught by certified volunteer instructors. The fee for the certification is $15. Some instructors may apply additional charges for the class, such as range or facility fees. Pre-registration is required. Check with the instructor for directions and any special instructions prior to going to class.Be sure to verify with the instructor that the class you are registering for is the Classroom Course.
You may also contact your local Texas Parks and Wildlife Department office or call TPWD Austin headquarters at 1-800-792-1112, ext. 4999.When you arrive at the course:
- Pay the fee to the instructor.
- Attend the entire course.
- Take the written exam and get at least 75% correct to pass.
- Upon successful completion, you may receive a temporary card from the instructor. You may legally hunt with a valid Texas hunting license and your temporary certification card. Your permanent Texas Hunter Education certification card will be available for downloading and printing from your Account Profile.
Clase totalmente en Español Este es el curso Hunter`s Education obligatorio por el estado de Texas para toda persona que haya nacido en o despues del 2 de Septiembre de 1971. Estas clases son reconocidas por otros estados Canada ,Mexico y partes de Sud America.
Niños desde los 9 años pueden tomar la clase y el certificado es de por vida.
El costo es de $20. Dlls por la clase y asesoria posterior, la duracion del curso es de 6 horas sin incluir el tiempo de registracion, descansos y el examen. se requiere un minimo de 75% para poder acreditar el curso.
Noviembre 9 2024
de 9: AM a 5: PM